A Project by Web Development Company QuantumCloud
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iList is first of its kind InfoGraphic maker WordPress plugin to create Infographics and elegant Lists effortlessly to visualize data. It is a must have content creation and content curation tool.
Slider Hero is a unique slider plugin that allows you to create Cinematic Product Intro Adverts and Hero sliders with great Javascript animation effects.
Directory plugin with a unique approach! Simple Link Directory is an advanced WordPress Directory plugin for One Page directory and Content Curation solution.
This innovative and powerful, yet Simple & Multi-purpose Business Directory WordPress PlugIn allows you to create comprehensive Lists of Businesses with maps and tap to call features.
WooWBot is a stand alone WooCommerce Chat Bot with zero configuration or bot training required. This plug and play chatbot also does not require any 3rd party service integration like Facebook.
ChatBot is a stand alone Chat Bot plugin for WordPress with artificial intelligent powered by Dialogflow . You can also use this Chat Bot without DialogFlow integration and simply install and get it to work as a floating HelpDesk or Floating Contact form.
WooCommerce plugin that allows you to showcase your products category wise in tabbed format. This is a unique woocommerce plugin that lets dynaimically load your products in tabs based on your product categories .
WooCommerce Shop Assistant – JARVIS shows recent user activities, provides advanced search, floating cart, featured products, store notifications, order notifications – all in one place for easy access by buyer and make quick decisions.
Portfolio X is an advanced, responsive portfolio with streamlined workflow and unique designs and templates to show your works or projects. Portfolio Showcase and Portfolio Widgets are included.
Express Shop is a WooCommerce addon to show all products in one page. User can add products to cart and go to checkout. Filtering and search integrated in single page.
Comment Tools Pro adds an arsenal of practical tools. It reduces spammy, low quality comments and increases user interactivity and content value of your blog.
Charts and graphs are now easy to build and add to any WordPress page with just a few clicks and shortcode generator. iChart is a Google chartjs implementation to add graphs & charts – directly from WordPress Visual editor.
QuantumCloud PageSpeed Friendly Analytics Tracking for Google does the simple job of adding tracking code to your WordPress website in all pages.
SEO Help is a unique WordPress plugin to help you write better Link Bait titles. The included LinkBait title generator will take the WordPress post title as Subject and generate alternative ClickBait titles for you to choose from.